God so loved each and every one of us that He gave what was most precious to Him. Jesus loved each and every one of us so He gave His life for us. God is not mad at you, no matter your past, God has a good future for you. Only Jesus offers what you are searching for.
God offers us a new life, fellowship with Him, freedom from oppression, freedom from condemnation, freedom from sickness and disease, He offers us redemption, He offers us forgiveness and much more.
This gift costs us nothing but it cost Him greatly, it meant having His Son pay the penalty for our sins, that penalty being death, it cost Jesus greatly, He had to live a perfect life, so He could be a perfect sacrifice, He had to suffer and die in our place.
God did it because He loved us, Jesus did it willingly because He loved us, while we were still sinners Christ died for us. He wants the best for each and every one of us. Jesus is not the thief, He came so we might have life and life abundantly.
Jesus did not come to show us how bad we were, but rather He came to show how good God is, and that God is love, and that He is for you. God is not mad at you. God is not out to get you, He is not trying to punish you, He loves you and wants the best for you. He has thoughts of peace toward you, not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Maybe you’ve never heard that God loves you, maybe you’ve never heard that Jesus paid the penalty for your sins, maybe you want to be accepted and forgiven and have a fresh start. Maybe you thought God was mad at you and trying to punish you, maybe you’ve never invited Jesus to be the Lord of your life, to come and change you, to transform you, and bring you into right standing with God. Jesus offers you what you need, you can stop looking.
If you have never made Jesus the Lord of your life then today is your day, don’t gamble with eternity, you don’t know what tomorrow holds. If you would like to accept God’s free gift for you then say this out loud:
I believe Jesus is the Son of God.
I believe that He paid the price for all my sins.
I believe that He died and rose again.
I take you Jesus as my Lord.
Thank you for forgiving me.
Thank you for healing me.
Thank you for accepting me.
Thank you for making me new.
I’m a now a child of God.
If you said this sincerely, then the Bible declares that you are now a child of God, you’ve been born again. Welcome to the family of God!
If you prayed this prayer for the first time please let us know. Please send us an email so we can be in touch with you [email protected]